Monday, 1 December 2008

Hi thought I would treat you all! Here is the crappy animation I am working on for my multimedia course. its all done using action script and is not finished I need to polish it up a bit. Leave your comments!!

I have only been using flash for 8 weeks and we have only been taught the basics of actionscript, if you have any suggestions please leave them here.

Check it out here!!


Unknown said...

I thinks its really good for a beginner. The moon, the snow, the lights. The car is a bit strange, maybe thats something you should make again.

Anonymous said...

Hey its a hell of alot better than I can do! Good job!

Anonymous said...

What did I just It was pretty good for a first try, the bar sign and tree really ties everything together lol.

There's your feedback.

DanLavigne26 said...

It looks really good, i did Flash for 2 years at secondary school and i wouldnt have had the patience to make that so well done to you! It looks really good and smooth.

ajpowerranger said...

Thanks all! I ended up getting 76% for it!