A few years ago I was having my regular dental check when the dentist said I had a wisdom tooth coming through but it was nothing to worry about and they would only do something about it if it caused me pain. Cut to 2 or 3 years later and the little bugger has practicaly declared war on my mouth. I didn't ring the dentist when the pain started because over the course of those 2 or 3 years it has periodcially hurt for a few days then stopped....not this time...this time the tooth wants to explore! So last week I rung the dentist and the receptionist said "aww is it giving you some trouble?" TROUBLE!! I would love it to give TROUBLE! this is no normal wisdom tooth I think it may be a new being.
Tommorow at 12 I go to the dentist I am worried about what she may say, everyone I have spoken to about wisdom teeth has said "ooo they don't half hurt when they take them out" why tell me that!?! I'm already dreading going because the dentist woman is new, last time I went it was her first week she told me so we got to know each other, had a nice chat, then she started my 6 monthly checkup, "Lower K5", "1,2,3", "3,2,1" and other dental bollocks tumbled from her mouth "got a 8 a 9 a 11...shit" Shit?? Shit? surely thats not proper dental talk? Sudenly I could taste blood, turns out she had cut my cheek while speaking in tounges. So I already think shes crap at her job and now I have "the worst thing you can have done at a dentist"
At the moment I am sat in the kitchen watching True lies on itv1..good film! (Jonathans ross job is save with that review!) While watching it i thought I would post a blog, but before i did I looked at youtube and found this video
Not the nicest thing to see is it? At present I don't even know if they will take it out, but it is hurting and its really far back in my mouth I have no idea how they would get to it with a drill :(
AND if the video was not bad enough a google image search brings up this!
I'm going to bed now for tommorow I look fear in the eyes!
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I would love it to give TROUBLE! this is no normal wisdom tooth I think it may be a new being.
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